Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Once a week, I am going to a Pilates class with Alison. I signed up for the term.
The lesson is in Italian and the instructor (female, young and with a bum to die for) keeps up a continuous commentary, barely taking a breath, describing in detail what we are meant to be doing with our stomachs/pelvic floors/necks/legs/arms/rib cages etc at any one time. I have learned many of the names for most of the important parts of the body but have not learned the verbs of what she wants me to do with them.
So to me it sounds like this: blah blah blah blah blah umbilico (belly button), blah blah blah blah gamba (leg) blah blah blah blah blah inspiro (breath in) etc . I mostly just watch what everyone else is doing and try to copy them which becomes difficult when you can't actually see their pelvic floor.
Thankfully the room is not packed full with gorgeous, young skinny women. I am possibly the youngest and most are ordinary women putting some effort into maintaining what they have before it gives up altogether.
You may not recognise me when I get back. Or, in all honesty, you may not notice any difference but at least I will be able to name the parts of my body in italian. Including my pelvic floor.

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